Stars on Top of the Pops 1996

On the 27th of March 1996 Dubstar were in the midst of a busy UK tour, but when Top of the Pops comes knocking you stop what you’re doing and answer the door smiling. Like the previous appearance with Not So Manic Now, Sarah would be required to sing the song live, which was consistent with producer Ric Blaxill’s ethos for the programme in the mid 1990s.

The group were already acquainted with a small string section who had been brought in to accompany them for various television engagements to promote the single. They were a friendly bunch to have around, and a pleasing visual expression for the composite sound which had been created with Chris’ ambient guitar chords and Jon Kirby’s Emulator on the record.

The intoxicating combination of Sarah’s Damien Hirst-customised YSL suit and a transcendent vocal on the day ensured that one of the oldest Dubstar songs was minted for televisual posterity.